Naugatuck Public Schools

Competencies and Scoring Guides for K-12

Welcome to Naugatuck Public Schools' Competencies and Scoring Guides for grades K-12. These competencies and indicators were developed from state and national standards in all subject areas over the past two years.

Competencies are our expectations for our students. They are consistent between schools and grade levels, from K-12. The competencies were designed to work with and support the Vision of the Graduate.

Each discipline has its own set of competencies that are reported out on the new report cards in grades K-6.

Math Competencies 09.25.19.pdf

Teachers carefully consider students' ways of knowing about concepts and select the descriptors of competency in the scoring guides that students need to develop and grow. This personalized approach addresses students' needs and depth of understanding, and provides families with accurate information about a student's growth and progress toward measurable, achievable goals.

Report Cards and Competencies

The new K-6 report card is designed to report out on the competencies and indicators that are monitored and measured everyday in your child's classes.

The NPS Scoring Guides provide a link between assessment and the report card. Students' growth and progress is prioritized. Learning is a process, and the new report card captures where students are in the process.

You can explore the new report card by clicking on "report card" in the navigation bar above.

Understanding the NPS Scoring Guides

The Scoring Guides were designed so that students across the district, regardless of the school they currently attend, are held to the same high expectations. The guides capture what learning looks like as students progress toward competency.

Each grade level has its own scoring guide. Teachers will decide which skills and knowledge in the column they will track and measure based on information from entry level tasks, formative assessment, and data standardized tests and grade level screeners.

Scoring guides provide context for communication between school and families and reflect progress from scoring guides.

The Vision of the Graduate is our mission. As students engage with competencies in their classrooms and their learning experiences every day, they will have many opportunities to practice and explore as they work to become our Vision of the Graduate.

Naugatuck's Vision of the Graduate. Our Vision empowers learning who will become: The Responsible Citizen, The Researcher, The Innovator, The Informed Thinker, The Communicator, and The Problem Solver.